Sunday 3 February 2013


Hi, the topic from Illustration Friday is "Ocean". Here are some references I found for this topic.


These are the thumbnails from the illustration Friday website with the topic "Ocean"

thumbnail 2thumbnail

The first thing came into my mind when I thought about "Ocean" is the sea, so I drew the sea with dolphins jumping as well hot air balloon to make the sea more interesting.
Also, on my second thumbnail I want to draw the waves with the bottle on the sea.

P/S: I played the apps call "wechat" recently and I like it very much. On the apps we can pick a bottle to make a new friend, so that idea came up to my mind:)

And I created the other thumbnail for "Ocean" topic. I found that much more easier to describe "Ocean" is underwater. So, I chose this one to go with. I just did a rough sketch for that.

ocean 3

For my final design, I did stuffs on Photoshop.

First, I used gradient tool to create the underwater scene. Also, I found the gravel image and put it in the ocean bottom. Then, to obtain the water-like texture I applied Glass Filter and created some "dots" effect as well to make it more dramatic.

"Ocean" work

Next, I used Crystallize filter to make the reflection on the ocean floor.

"Ocean" work

Then, I created the light from above by using Polygonal Lasso Tool.

"Ocean" work

I also used brush tool to draw a boat.

 "Ocean" work

Finally, I added "BE FREE" by using some text effects. I used this word because "FREE" is the factor that everybody all hope, especially when you swim, you can feel free...and it is related to "Ocean"...:)

"Ocean" work

For my final design I used brush tool to create the smoke as well...and here we are...

"Ocean" work

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